Photography of the Everyday of Life
The Everyday of Life is a photography project that seeks to uncover the beauty of everyday life in places we all too often forget to look. In our own lives it is easy to overlook the beauty of our ordinary everyday life; and in the world around us we are often unable to see past the hardships that others face daily, to find the beauty that thrives in spite of it.
We need a counterweight to the newsworthy images that bombard us daily, always presenting the lives of others from within the context of global tragedies and extraordinary events. Though it is important to bear witness to these hardships, and to do what we can to make life better for everyone, it is equally as important to look beyond them, and to appreciate the beauty of life everywhere it lives.
The Everyday of Life is a project by the Canadian photographer, Annie Tong. The photographs are mostly from developing and emerging nations and have been taken since 2014. She will be the first to tell you that the photographs are and long to be both uneventful and familiar, and they strive to celebrate people at ease in their lives even though their lives may not be easy.
Living in and Learning from Communities
Annie Tong’s process begins with an eagerness to explore the world around her. Behind each photograph are days and often weeks in the neighbourhoods she discovers, getting to know the people who live there and letting them get to know her. Her photographs are never staged, and nothing about the circumstance is in any way extraordinary or newsworthy. Each photograph simply offers us a chance to see others at ease in the comfort of their ordinary, everyday lives. The goal of the project and exhibition is to help reveal this fragile thread that reaches through our differences and connects us all.
Three Kurdish women are the centre of attention during this afternoon photoshoot on the Kurdish side of town, just outside the black basalt rock walls of the old fortress city of Diyarbakır, in eastern Türkiye.
If you are following my Instagram account @theeverydayoflife, you will know that I continue to post photos two or three times a week. These photographs are all from recent years of travel, and I am enjoying discovering them anew as I explore my archives, and I will post any gems into these website galleries. Enjoy.
Keep well everyone.